source: business leader.co.uk
As the coronavirus continues its destruction over the globe. The Researchers/Scientist has observe some curious and unexpectedly positive side effects of coronavirus lockdown. As the world is under lockdown the rate of pollution and exploitation of environment. As a result, air quality levels in the world’s major cities improved dramatically in March and April. Air quality improved largely because of a reduction in factory and road traffic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides and related ozone formation, and particulate matter. During the same period, global air traffic dropped by 60%. Taken together, these emissions reductions have led to a temporary dip in CO2 emissions from their pre-crisis levels, encouraging some to hope that our global society may indeed be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions substantially over the long term to mitigate impending climate change.
source: boredpanda .com
source: thegurdian
In China, emissions fell 25% at the start of the year as people were instructed to stay at home, factories shuttered and coal use fell by 40% at China’s six largest power plants since the last quarter of 2019. The proportion of days with “good quality air” was up 11.4% compared with the same time last year in 337 cities across China, according to its Ministry of Ecology and Environment. In Europe, satellite images show nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions fading away over northern Italy. A similar story is playing out in Spain and the UK. The reduction in emissions then was largely due to reduced industrial activity, which contributes carbon emissions on a comparable scale to transport. Combined emissions from industrial processes, manufacturing and construction make up 18.4% of global anthropogenic emissions. The financial crash of 2008-09 led to an overall dip in emissions of 1.3%. But this quickly rebounded by 2010 as the economy recovered, leading to an all-time high.
source:.bored panda.com
A miracle has seen in India after many years. In the first week of April, news had emerged that people in Jalandhar, Punjab were able to catch a glimpse of the majestic Dhauladhar Mountain Range located in Himachal Pradesh from their rooftops. It had been an exciting time for the residents as the view had been obscured by smog for a very very long time.The mighty Dhauladhars in Himachal Pradesh are now visible from Jalandhar as the air gets cleaner due to lockdown. Never thought this was possible! The positives from the COVID-19 lockdown are multiplying, and most have to do with the air clearing up because people are staying indoors. There have been sightings of wild animals walking into towns at many places all over the world.
source: the daily beast
source: thegurdian
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